Songs To The Open Sky III
Welcome to our Home School Choir fall outdoor concert!
If the weather looks to be quite bad, an alternate location will be considered.
The concert is free to attend. There will be an offering in support of The Christian Life Orphanage in Mwanza, Tanzania through
cash or cheque (to Asker Lutheran Church), or by
e-transfer to ProjectMwanza2020@gmail.com , or
credit card at projectmwanza.com/donate. (Remember to select “Mwanza” in the drop down menu) Project Mwanza donations will receive a charitable tax receipt if you provide contact information.
Other fundraising will include For Her Dignity.
Concert Location: Zepick Acres: The blue sign address is: 424056 RR250. Signs call the road First Chain Lakes Road. This road is about 10 km east of Ponoka. The parking entrance will be just south of that blue sign in the neighbour’s field. There is a short walk from the parking area to the concert area.
Directions to Concert: Apple Link Google Maps Link Or, if you prefer verbal directions:
If coming from the east, navigate to Highway 53. Turn SOUTH (left) on RR 250. It also has a sign labeling it First Chain Lakes Road. Go south about 1 1/2 miles (2.4 kilometres) We are 424056 (blue sign) on the West side of the road. It takes about an hour from Camrose via 21, 611, 822 and then 53.
From the west access (Lacombe, Wetaskiwin . . .) navigate to Highway 53 via 2A (Ponoka) or Hwy 815. Go East on Highway 53 until you get to Range Road 250 going SOUTH (right) (DO NOT TAKE RR 250 NORTH) It also has a sign labeling it First Chain Lakes Road. Go south about 1 1/2 miles (2.4 kilometres) . We are 424056 (blue sign) on the West side of the road.
Bring blankets, a hot drink and please dress for the weather. Portable fire pits are welcome too.