Central alberta homeschool drama
Musicals are such fun! Each year, during the school year, Zepick Musick provides opportunities for students to be involved in this activity. Musicals provide opportunities for drama, singing, choreography, speech development and so much more. Registration for the two separate groups end in Mid-November and typically there is at least one read-through prior to Christmas break. Students spend ten weeks rehearsing and then present four shows in March. The Ponoka area show is rehearsed at Asker Church, east of Ponoka and the Red Deer area show rehearses at Gospel Chapel in Sylvan Lake. There is a maximum registration of 30 students.
Ages 12 +
In addition, there are separate workshops on theatrical makeup and improvisation.
Drama program
Great for those who can only stir up about one day's worth of drama a week.
drama camp
For those who just can't shut it off. Your family does not know what to do with you. You too can experience the sheer lunacy of the Zepick home.
We are currently offering drama in Ponoka and Bentley, Alberta